Feminist working lunch


2022 - 03 November

On November 3, we had a very ambitious program - a real feminist marathon. The day started with a feminist working lunch.

On November 3, we had a very ambitious program - a real feminist marathon. The day started with a feminist working lunch together with Dina Vardaramatou - secretary general of the European Women's Lobby, located in Bucharest, Romania especially, at the invitation of Dina Loghin, member of the European Women's Lobby executive. This event was open to members of the Romanian Women's Lobby Association (RoWL).

This event was organized to celebrate with member organizations the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of UNSCR Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. We very much want to contribute together to update the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security - so necessary in the current context - to strengthen women's decision-making roles in conflict prevention and resolution and in peacebuilding.

The event was organized within the project ‘GLORIA - feminism and strategic approach of gender equality’. The project is implemented by Community Safety and Mediation Center Foundation in partnership with the Romanian Women's LOBBY Association, Foreningen HEDDA; Network of East-West Women; Bulgarian Platform of European Women's Lobby; Magyar Női Érdekérvényesítő Szövetség (Hungarian Women's Lobby) and benefits from a 249,943 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021: for more information visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

Laura Albu,
Executive President of the Community Safety and Mediation Center Foundation
E-mail: lalbu@cmsc.ro

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