
Through this page, we will present NGOs with recent useful information from Romania, but also from other countries, through articles, news, materials and work tools.

About cyber violence and sexism in Bulgaria

Iliana Balabanova, President of Bulgarian Coordination of European Women's Lobby is talking about cyber violence and sexism in relation to women candidates or elected in ...

Cyber violence against women in politics

Laura Albu, President of Romanian Women's Lobby Association talks about cyber violence against women in politics

The needs of women's rights NGOs

Why women NGOs need advocacy? How can we benefit from organizational development as members of ROWL? Questions answered by Daniela Drăghici, Vice President of Romanian Wo...

Why is it important to be part of the European Women's Lobby?

Question answered by Reka Safrany, President of European Women’s Lobby and President of Magyar Nöi Erdekérvényesitö Szövetség/ Hungarian Women’s Lobby

What does it mean to be part of a network of women’s NGOs?

How can we influence policies? Questions answered by Malgorzata Tarasiewicz, Director of The Network of East-West Women (NEWW).

Presentation of the European Women's Lobby (EWL) manifesto for the 2024 European elections

Mary Collins, Secretary General of the European Women's Lobby presents the European Women's Lobby (EWL) manifesto for the 2024 European elections

About cyber violence and sexism in Hungary

Gréta Mészáros, representant of Hungarian Women’s Lobby is talking about cyber violence and sexism in relation to women candidates or elected in local councils, county, p...

The challenges in CEEBBS region for women’s rights organizations

A short presentation about the challenges in CEEBBS (Central Eastern Europe Balkan and Baltic States) region for women’s rights organizations; Hungarian perspective. This...

Women leadership

Sile Moldovan, President of Inovatrium Association talks about Women leadership – impact on business and community growth.

Human rights trends and challenges in CEE countries

Ionuț Sibian, Executive Director Foundation for Development of Civil Society Romania and member in EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) talks to us about human r...

About the past and the women who have inspired us

Iuliana Năstase-Onu, representant of Femeia Contează Association talks about the past and the women who have inspired us

How is Norway tackling gender equality?

A question that is going to be answered briefly by Jorgen Lorenzen, Director of Foreningen Hedda Norway.

About women's leadership and feminist solidarity

Dina Loghin, Vice-President of the European Women's Lobby talks about women's leadership and feminist solidarity

Video - Project presentation

Andreea Fedor, Project Assistant and Vice President of Romanian Women's Lobby makes a short presentation of the project 'Gloria - feminism and strategic approach of gende...

Channeling resources into women's rights

Gender Responsive Budgeting Toolkit

Women of Change movie

The movie Women of Change is summarizing the activities carried out within the project ‘GLORIA - feminism and strategic approach of gender equality’.

Gender mainstreaming

Dina Loghin, Vice President of Romanian Women’s Lobby, makes a brief introduction to gender mainstreaming and the need for strategic approach of equality between women an...

Mobilise against sexism

Mobilise against sexism Council of Europe's online campaign with resources available in a number of languages is to raise awareness of this issue and to eliminate it.http...

Representation of women in the Polish Parliament

Malgorzata Tarasiewicz, Director Network of East West Women Poland is talking about the representation of women in the Polish Parliament.

The road of my campaign - Alexandra Crivineanu

Alexandra Crivineanu, Local Councillor Brașov talks to us about: The road to my campaign; What have I done; What I planned; What would I do differently; What is essential...

Purple Pact

Laura Albu, President of the Romanian Women’s Lobby, talks to us about gender budgeting and the feminist economy, presenting in this way the Purple Pact.

The challenges in CEEBBS region for women’s rights organizations (Iliana Balabanova)

A short presentation about the challenges in CEEBBS (Central Eastern Europe Balkan and Baltic States) region for women’s rights organizations; Bulgarian perspective. This...

About roles, masculinity and changing electoral systems

Jørgen Lorentzen, Director Foreningen Hedda is talking about roles, masculinity and changing electoral systems

European Women's Lobby

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is an NGO founded in 1990 and the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union (EU), working to promote wo...

Video - Calendar of project activities

Laura Albu, Project coordinator and Executive President of Community Safety and Mediation Center Foundation and President of Romanian Women’s Lobby Association is present...

Olga Sturdza as an inspirational model for preserving traditions

Luminița Aonofriesei, reprezentant of Asociației Femeilor din Mediul Rural „Olga Sturdza” presents Olga Sturdza as an inspirational model for preserving traditions

Representation of women in the Hungarian Parliament

Borbala Juhacz, Hungarian Women’s Lobby is talking about the representation of women in the Hungarian Parliament

Example of good practices on the personal development of Roma women

VasileAvădănei, representant of Centrul de Incubare Creativ Inovativ de Afaceri – CICIA presents an Example of good practices on the personal development of Roma women.

Participation of migrant women in political and democratic life in Italy

Silvia Dumitrache, President of Associazione Donne Romene in Italia – ADRI talks about participation of migrant women in political and democratic life in Italy

The road of my campaign - Pamela Diaconu

Pamela Diaconu, President of OFL Brașov talks to us about: The road to my campaign; What have I done; What I planned; What would I do differently; What is essential; What...

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